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Wildlife mandate in statute:

“It is the intention of the General Assembly, in providing for a Department of Natural Resources, to establish a State department which, in addition to its other functions, shall: 1. Review and evaluate all natural resources policies, plans, programs, and practices of State, county, regional, and federal agencies and institutions; 2. Coordinate natural resources activities within the State; 3. Be a center for collecting and organizing information on natural resources for the guidance of the Governor and the General Assembly; and 4. Otherwise unify, coordinate, and promulgate policies, plans, programs, and practices which insure the preservation, development, wise use, and enjoyment of all the natural resources for greatest benefits to the State and its citizens.”

The Commission:

  • Name: Maryland Wildlife Advisory Commission
  • Regulatory or advisory: Advisory
  • Number of voting members: 9
  • Term length: 4 years
  • How selected: Appointed by Governor
  • Senate confirmation required: Yes
  • Selection criteria per statute

“The Governor shall solicit nominations for vacancies on the Wildlife Advisory Commission from individuals or organizations that promote the future of hunting and individuals or organizations that promote the preservation of wildlife in the State, with geographical distribution being a prime consideration for filling vacancies. There shall be representation from the farming community.”

  • From the Commission’s website

The Maryland Wildlife Advisory Commission was created by legislation to advise the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources on wildlife matters.

The Agency:

  • Name: Maryland Department of Natural Resources
  • Type: Standalone agency
  • Title of Agency Director: Secretary
  • Selection process: Appointed by Governor
  • Mission statement from agency website

The Department of Natural Resources leads Maryland in securing a sustainable future for our environment, society, and economy by preserving, protecting, restoring, and enhancing the State’s natural resources.”

Revenue for Wildlife and Heritage Service, Maryland Department of Natural Resources:

Source: Tracey Spencer, Management Associate, Wildlife and Heritage Service, Maryland DNR. 2021.

America’s Wildlife Values was an extensive 2018 nationwide survey led by Colorado State University of public attitudes towards wildlife. Findings were compared with a 2004 survey to identify trends. Researchers also surveyed personnel at state wildlife agencies. Reports are available for national, state and agency results. (Some state agencies did not participate.)

State Report

Agency Culture Memo

National Report