
Wildlife mandate in statute:

“It is the policy of the state that the department and commission use ecosystem-based management informed by credible science in all resource management decisions to the extent feasible. It is further the policy of the state that scientific professionals at the department and commission, and all resource management decisions of the department and commission, be governed by a scientific quality assurance and integrity policy, and follow well-established standard protocols of the scientific profession, including, but not limited to, the use of peer review, publication, and science review panels where appropriate. Resource management decisions of the department and commission should also incorporate adaptive management to the extent possible.”

The Commission:

  • Name: California Fish and Game Commission
  • Regulatory or advisory: Regulatory
  • Number of voting members: 5
  • Term Length: 6 years
  • How selected: Appointed by Governor
  • Senate confirmation required: Yes
  • Selection criteria per statute:

“It is therefore the intent of the Legislature to encourage the Governor and the Senate Committee on Rules to consider the following minimum qualifications in selecting, appointing, and confirming commissioners to serve on the commission: (1) The degree to which the appointee will enhance the diversity of background and geographic representation of the commission. (2) The appointee’s demonstrated interest and background in, and familiarity with, wildlife and natural resources management programs at the state or federal level. (3) The appointee’s previous experience in public policy decisionmaking, including government processes involving public participation. (4) The appointee’s commitment to prepare for and attend meetings and subcommittee meetings of the commission and to comply with all applicable state conflict-of-interest laws. (5) The extent of the appointee’s exposure to and experience with the basic science underpinning the management of living natural resources. (6) The appointee’s diversity of knowledge of natural resource issues and related scientific disciplines, including, but not limited to, outdoor recreation.”

“The California Fish and Game Commission was the first wildlife conservation agency in the United States, predating even the U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries.”

The Agency:

  • Name: California Department of Fish and Wildlife
  • Type: Standalone agency
  • Title of Agency Director: Director
  • Director Selection Process: Governor Appointment
  • Mission statement from agency website:

“To manage California’s diverse fish, wildlife, and plant resources, and the habitats upon which they depend, for their ecological values and for their use and enjoyment by the public.”

Revenue for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, FY19-20

† Other: Funds made up of license plate sales, donations, timber revenue, etc.

Source: California Legislative Analyst's Office

America’s Wildlife Values was an extensive 2018 nationwide survey led by Colorado State University of public attitudes towards wildlife. Findings were compared with a 2004 survey to identify trends. Researchers also surveyed personnel at state wildlife agencies. Reports are available for national, state and agency results. (Some state agencies did not participate.)

State Report

National Report